San Colombano DOC
Classification:Red Wine DOC San Colombano Lively
Blend: Barbera 35%, Craoatina 45%, Uva Rara 8%, other red grapes 12%
Planting system: guyot Density 4500 plants/hectar
Winemaking: Reached a suitable maturation, the grapes are harvested by hand in small baskets, transported with harvest wagons to the winery, gently destemmed. The classic red fermentation takes place in steel vats of 150 hl with technologies that enhance choices linked to tradition, supported by a careful knowledge of the processes of transformation to move all the characteristics (color, flavor, tannin ..) present in healthy and well mature grapes into the future wine, technologies that allow targeted rimontagli through alluvionaggi in protected environment bringing frequently in contact with the skins the must-wine for at least 5-6 days.
Alcohol content: 12,5°
Acidity: 6,0
Colour: ruby red
Bouquet: vinous, fragrant, fruity with hints of red fruit marasca
Palate: decided, harmonious, fairly structured
Pairing: or whole meal, first courses with tasty sauces, hot salami, roasted, stewed and boiled meat. A great and enjoyable wine for everyday
Aging: great young, at the buyer maximum two years
Serving temperature: 16-18°C
Production: 28.000 bottles